Readme.txt for WebExtract ToolPak Created 2/10/97. -updated 2/13/97 This is the readme file for WebExtract ToolPak. It contains information that is not in the manual, and includes hints and tips, workarounds, etc. Entire contents Copyright (c) 1997 by Nanoware, Inc. All rights reserved. All trade names referenced herein are property of their respective companies. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0 Online Help File 2.0 Sample Code - Projects 3.0 WebExtract ToolPak Registered Version Installation 4.0 NAlarm32 - Additional Information 5.0 NParse32 - Additional Information 6.0 NT3.51 Issues ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0 Online Help FIle To help you understand the use of the WebExtract ToolPak controls there is a online help file (Wbxtract.hlp) installed into the windows system directory. For NT3.51 and NT4.0 the help file it is under the subdirectory system32. ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.0 Sample Code - Projects In addition to the help file, there are several Visual Basic 4.0 projects that demonstrate how to use the controls. The sample code and project files are located in the directory C:\Program Files\Wbxtract (or C:\Wbxtract for NT3.51). To view and run the samples, simply start VB4 and open the following projects: NParse32.vbp - shows how to parse text files NHTML32.vbp - shows how to parse HTML NAlarm32.vbp - shows how to use the event scheduler (wildcard times only are shown; fixed times are allowed) NTriever.vbp - shows how to download pages from the web Please note that if you are running NT3.51, you must modify the text in the sample applications to search for the sample file in the directory c:\wbxtract instead of the defaulted c:\program files\webxtract. ------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0 WebExtract ToolPak Registered Version Installation IMPORTANT: When installing the registered version of WebExtract ToolPak onto the development computer, make sure all earlier versions of the OCXs and especially the LIC files are removed from the computer first. These files are NHTML32.*, NParse32.*, NAlarm32.* and NTriever.*. Failure to do this may cause the LIC files to not be copied during installation, leaving the developers only LIC files intact and being used, which will, of course continue to generate the unregistered error message. The Most Common Issue After Installing The Registered Version: Q. I've installed the new versions of the controls and I still get an error message when I run the EXE. A. After installing the registered version of WebExtract ToolPak, you must re-make any executables that were created with the developer-only license files. The EXE file retains licensing information and if not recreated, it will contain the old value of the developers only license. ------------------------------------------------------------ 4.0 NAlarm32 - Additional Information NAlarm32 clears all alarms at midnight and then fires the TimeChange event. Care must be taken not to set any alarms right before midnight, as they might not fire. This may occur because the system may be busy performing some other task. As a concrete example, if you set an alarm for 23:59:59 there is a small possibility that the system may become busy at 23:59:58++ and not allow the event to fire at 23:59:59. Typically, if this happens at any other time of the day, the software will just fire it when the system becomes "unbusy". When this occurs at midnight, the new time when the system becomes unbusy is after midnight. NAlarm will respond to the date rollover by clearing all alarms, even the one that didn't get executed. ------------------------------------------------------------ 5.0 NParse32 - Additional Information Q. How to add tab characters to delimiter string. A. You may add a tab character by appending Chr$(9) to the Delim string. ------------------------------------------------------------ 6.0 NT3.51 Issues The installation application for WebExtract ToolPak installs the OCX, Lic and Help files into the system directory, typically Winnt\System32. All documentation refers to the windows\system directory (ala Win95). The documentation also states that the sample code is located in the c:\program files\wbxtract directory. For NT3.51, this should be the c:\wbxtract (only Win95 and NT4.0 use the \program files\ directory). Similarly, the sample applications that open files (NParse32 and NHTML32) default to retrieve the sample test file from c:\program files\wbxtract. For NT3.51 you must modify the string in the textbox to use just c:\wbxtract\.... ------------------------------------------------------------